- By: Ibn-e-Taha
- khan_adnan040@yahoo.com
A section of Lahorites has criticized Chief Minister Punjab’s banning kite flying in provinceon “Basntt” (Kite Flying) event, calling it a ban on civil rights of the citizens. While pondering on logics from both sides, one may dwell deep into the history of “Basantt” festival, which is attributed to Lahore only. Lahore in itself is a diversified culture, heritage, cuisine, traditions, way of life and dress & address codes which are unmatchable. A Lahori asked me how would you grade a Lahori culture. I felt small for belonging to a remote area of Pakistan. However dared to say “Perhaps five things of Lahore that have affected the Pakistani culture”. And even if you get convinced on all these factors, you may not agree?” Response was a usual loud Lahori laughter. “Okay”… he paused for a second and nodded in agreement to allow me to say proceed with these five factors.
The first thing from a Lahori culture is “Basantt” I said. It may be a public affair where people have full liberty to enjoy, but Lahoris have made it a festival more dominant than religious ones. People living abroad plan their leave in Pakistan coinciding with “Basantt” days. There is no harm in celebrating a festival, but extra-ordinary celebrations added to it, make it more unhealthy and a social evil. Lahori friend smiled like a typical Laborite and said “what is the second thing”.
“Daata Darbar”. People even after performing Hajj ask their relatives in Lahore to distribute Langar (free food for poors) at Daata darbar. Considering “Data sahib” an extra-ordinary pious place. Few know, our enemies have hide out roots there. You may recall the statement of Ajit Doville the security advisor to Bharti Prime Minister Moody who worked secretly for Bharati intelligence disguised as pious Muslim at Daata darbar. “Ha ha ha ha…..” my Lahori friend was laughing and asked for the third thing.
“A myth that 1965 war was won due to songs of Noor Jehan” I candidly stated. “How could you say that?” He got anxious. I explained “War is a War”. Pakistani soldiers want to die for the motherland and do not have time to listen to songs of Noor Jehan, get motivation and embrace shahadat. “That’s not fair” he didn’t agree but allowed me to proceed for the fourth thing.
“Food Street my friend” I said. “I have experienced majority of the vendors there, sell the food items which are sub-standard, cooked in coarse oil and below quality food standards. They even sell food items which were left during the daytime. If you allow the food stuff to get slightly cool you’ll feel a rotten smell in most of these items”.
“Well you may be right but what is the last point you have against the Lahoris” he sarcastically inquired. By then I had gained a little confidence and punched the bottom line “Jinnay Lahore nai takya o jamya ee naee (Someone is not born till the time he sees Lahore”). It may be true for the remote areas of Pakistan but someone who is born at New York, Europe, Australia, Switzerland or Saudi Arabia may not like to be compared with Lahore.
“That’s all or you something else to say”. He was now enjoying the conversation. I paused and said “No brother that’s all”. My Lahori friend smiled and responded with a loud laugh “Lahore Lahore Hay”.