• By: Adnan Taha Khan
  • Khan_adnan040@yahoo.com

Social and digital media was flashing news items of surrender of Pak Army on 16 Dec. Trends ridiculed Pakistan and its’ Armed forces claiming military commanders were non-professional, incompetent and coward. This articulately crafted message is to demoralize entire Pakistani nation. A sugar coated message is also disseminated “Attacks (physical / sociological / psychological / cuber) on military as an institution are justified they are repeating wrong doings of 1971 again. Positive criticism denotes individuals are acccountables for their deeds and not the institution and future course of action is to be recommended.

Unfortunately, viewpoint of Pakistan and its’ armed forces is strongly rejected by all types of media from these anti-Pakistani elements. They tow hidden agenda of ridiculing the entire state institutions and Pak army. Kernal question remains, if a military aggression is made against Pakistan, whom these people would support? Bangladesh had suffered from this syndrome for 53 years. They have learnt “There will always be an army in your country. If its’ not yours, it will be your enemy’s”.

Bangladeshis remained under an indirect rule of Bharat after 16 Dec, 1971, in fields of military, social, ethnic, cultural, media, finance, diplomacy, communication, trade, agriculture, foreign affairs, transport and domestics. Changes in Bangladesh on 5 Aug, 2024 have substantiated false myths carved against Pakistan and its’ army during crisis of 1971. Targetted by anti-Pakistan feelings, big statues were erected throughout country, depicting fake atrocities and propaganda against Pak army. It included Bengali intellectuals hand cuffed on back and bullets fired on them by Pak army, Pak army soldier removing veil of a Bengali maiden with a horrrifc expressions. On realizing the truth, they have demolished all such fake constructions including statue of their demogogue Sheikh Mujib – Banga Bandhu(friend of Bengalis). It authenticated their inner hatred against the fake man and his family.

To be honest, they had realized their mistake and killed Mujib and his available family members on 15 Aug, 1975. After leaving Pakistan turmoil continued in form of removal of presdient Khondkur Mushtaq in Nov, 1975, coup of 1977 under General Zia-ur-Rehman, coup of 30 May 1981 killing General Zia-ur-Rehman, coup of General Hussain M Irshad on 24 March, 1982, violent killing of Bengalis from Oct 2006 till 03 Jan 2007, coup by Geneal Moeen ud Din on11 Jan, 2007 and unven political developments till 05 Aug, 2024.

Bengalis were part of the Pakistan movement and were honoured with top positions in Pakistan like Khawaja Nazim uddin (Governot General and then Prime Minister), Hussain Shaheed suhrawardy (Prime Minister), Molvi Tameez ud din (Speaker National Assembly), Noor-ul-Amin (Vice president), AK Fazl-ul Haq (Home Minister) and Raja Tri deoroy. Pak Army was not involved in ovetrthrowing any of Bengali stalwarts from Govt. Dismissal of assembly of Tameez udddin and language issue (1952) were also not sponsored by Pak army. Contrararily armed forces of Pakistan encouraged representation of Bengalis in Pak armed forces. Cadet colleges were bulit in Faujdarhat, Jhenaidah, Tungail and Rajshahi. After the Bhola cyclone hit East Pakistan on 7 Nov, Military commander Yahya Khan cut short his official visit to China and visited East Pakistan on 12 Nov, 1971. Army regime ear marked 116 Mil $ for rehabilitation of the cyclone effceted people. Anti-Pakistan media however defamed Pakistan for not supporting the cyclone effected Bengalis. “The Guardian” on 18 Nov, 1970 published unconfirmed devastating figure of 1 Million killed. Pak army also did not postpone Generel elections planned for 7 Dec, 1970 and aimed a transparent transfer of power when Yayha Khan asked for a national assembly session on 3 March, 1971. Politicians resisted this decision and it was postponed on 28 Feb, 1971. In retaliation Mujib addressed a large gathering at Race course ground Dacca and announced a civil disobedience on 7 March, 1971. To add fuel to the fire, Bharti elements and misled Bengalis started attacking West Pakistanis and army units in Dhaka, Chittagong, Syllhet, Rajshahi, Jessore, Khulna and other cities of East Pakistan. To maintain law and order military action against miscreants was initiated on 25 March, 1971 to maintain law and order, subdue wild protests, civil disobedience, looting of banks, killing of West Pakistanis and arson of the Govt buildings.

Anti-Pakistan media of that time played its’ full role. Anthony Mascarenhass published an article “GENOCIDE” in daily “Sunday Times on 13 Jun, 1971 defaming Pakistan and its’ armed forces. Musical group “Beatles” also arranged a Bharti sponsored concert at Medison square New york on 01 Aug, 1971 titled “Genocide for Bangladesh”. False news of human atoricites by Pak army and mass exodus of migrants from East Pakistan to Bharat were also flashed by this media. Undoubtedly, role of anti Pakistani media is still dominant in defaming Pakistan and its’ armed forces today.

Claim of 200,000 women raped by Pak Army was proven wrong when Mujib formed a commission and only 2680 claims were recevied. Commission did not mention, if all of these 2680 ladies were Bengalis/West Pakistanis and were they dishonoured by Pak Army or the rebels? Nowhere the dishonouring lady wives/daughters of West Pakistanis and Pak army personnel is mentioned in this conflict by either side.

Likewise killing of 3 million (30,00,000) Bnegalis was also proven wrong by the commission formed. The commission concluded 56,743 deaths throughout insurgency of 1971. It did not differentiate between Beharis / Bengalis / West Pakistanis etc? It may be prudent to state, dead bodies of thousands of West Pakistanis / Beharis are still buried in Bangladesh. It also includes shuhada’s of Pak Army like Major Akram shaheed (NH), who was buried in Hilli after martyrdom. 1971 hostilities started on 24 March, and culminated on 16 Dec, 1971, (approx 260 days). If the figure of 30 Million Bengalis killed is taken into account, 11,538 Bengalis were killed per day by Pak army? On the other hand, records from indepndent sources state killing of 500,000 to 600,000 West Pakistanis and Pak army’s personnel. Incidents are recorded where Bengali second in command shot his Commandng Officer (CO) while sitting in his office. West Pakistanis/army personnel were killed, their houses arsoned and their wives / daughters were paraded
naked in streets, dishonoured publically and later killed by boynetting.

Pak army’s strenght of 34,000 personnel in East Pakistan fought an overwhelming army of 200,000 from all around without supply and logistics lines and communication with their command centers. Bengali personnel and commanders were honoured at senior positions in Pakistan armed/semi-armed forces. They were in majority in military/civil establishments in East Pakistan. It included East Bengal regiment (approx 12,000 personnel), East Pakistan regiment, East Pakistan rifles (13,454 troops), East Bengal Rifles (12,000 personnel), East Pakistan Police (33,995 personnel). Certain army units were either commanded or had majority of Bengali personnel. These Bengali units were spread all over Bangladesh and during the conflict used their weapons against West Pakistanis. Bengali armed forces officers were also trained at Pakistan armed forces academies and knew war tactics and plans. Some of the Bengali armed forces officers were Brigiddier Mujumdar, Colonel MAG Osmani, Lieutenat Colonel Moyeed uddin, Lieutenant Colonel Rakib, Major KM Shafi-ullah, Lieutenant Colonel MR Chodhry, Major Zia ur Rehman, Major Khaid Musharraf, Captain Rafiq, Captain Shawkat Ali, Lieutenant commander Moazzam Hossain (Navy), Steward Mujib ur Rehman (Navy), LS Sultan uddin(Navy), Flight Lieutenant Mutee-ur-Rehman (PAF), Flight Sergeant Mahfiz ullah(PAF), Corporal Abdul samad(PAF), Flight Sergeant Md Fazlul Haq(PAF).

Every civil deprtment in East Pakistan had 80-90% of Bengalis posted. It was easy to force or follow to force any movement within East Pakistan due to presence of such a big figure of Bengalis within ranks. A daunting task for Pak Army to manage the majority of Bengali population defecting and fighting against the same comrades who were part and parcel one day before. To further complicate the issue, Bharat was training several gurella forces like Mukti Bahini, Kadir bahini, Himayat bahini and Mujib bahini which included Bengalis who were ex-Pak army persons and emotional civilians misled for independence. Yet Pak armed forces fought their best. Not only opponents but international community still pays homage to these valiant sons of Pakistan. Stranded Pak army in East Pakistan could have fought till death, but international forces asked them to surrender to save further loss of human lifes and killing of Bengalis/ Beharis by anti-Pakistan elements.

All the baseless allegations against Pakistan army have been negated by independent sources like Sharmila bose (Bharat), Prof Abdul Momin Chodhry(Bangladesh), Raina Asoka (Bharat), Manekshaw (Bharti amy chief in 1971), Colonel Shawkat Ali (accomplice of Agartalla conspiracy and later deputy speaker Bangladesh parliament), Schendel William Van, Munir uz zaman Talukdar (Bangladesh), Cammegh John (British), Toddy Cadman (USA), Kristine A Huskey (British), M Badur ul Ahsan (Bengali), Yuri Bezmenov (KGB officer), Charles Wilson (US Congressman), Lieutenant General Jagjit Singh Arora (Commander Eastern wing of Bharat army), Bergman David (British) and many more.

History teaches, ill-discipline, hulaganism and defying attitude encourages anti-state forces to pollute all the disciplined minds converting into mobs. This misled herd of people then over runs all bounds, humiliating their own heroes. These forces ultimately push popular leaders to leave country like Shah Iran, Zahir Shah, Marcos, Ashraf Ghani, Hasina wajid, Basahaar-al-Asad or decide their fate like Ceaser, Hitler, Gaddafi, Sheikh Mujib, Dr Najeebullah and Anwaar-us-Sadaat.

One feels sorry for atocities committed from both East/West Pakistan and wishes good luck for Bengali brothers. Especially for their stability. Need of the hour is to investigate individual ill doings of both the sides as they cannot be attributed to any protocal of Govt or citizens of Pakistan as well as Bangladesh.

Pakistanis must believe in themselves and their armed forces which had proven its mettle in 1948, 1965, 1971 and 1999 wars. People have to assured, Pak armed forces will not evade, leave the battlefield or ask for amnesty from opponents like other armies we have seen in recent years.

By Admin

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