a sonnet ode to a steel

man-ordinaire pleasant adorable humble
inimitable patient compos’d passionate 
abounding in firm leadership role stands tall     
name adorned thrice with prime crowns resonate

above all en verite he fought the ‘systems’
with malice to none inspired his people     
as he doggedly faced ‘state’ scheming games
zigzagged through thick’n thin many a ripple

still he never bends on standings and goals
high above trickiness negative approach   
appeases all sufferings tames all souls     
relentlessly pursues aims no reproach

indeed ‘king of comebacks’ all love him more 
fourth crown to win as he stands steel ’n victor.

— su cowdrey,
an ex-diplomat, in respect,
paying tribute to mns !


Foot Note: To see right through MNS as a person of wonderful human traits,
read right down – top to bottom – through first letters on left;
to see his name/title: “MNS” in full, rare in every sense!


A ‘sonnet’ – meaning “little song” – is a structured poem of 14 lines and arranged in three quatrains (stanzas of four lines), ended by a couplet (two-lined stanza), rhyming traditionally as abab. cdcd, efef, gg – each line being strictly in iambic pentameter, that is a line of ten syllables, following unstressed/stressed rhythm pattern.

Mostly concerned with love-romantic, passionate, unrequited love, the theme of my “a sonnet ode to a steel” is one of MNS’ passion for humanity & its fundamental rights that saw him reach the pivot of respect, admiration and love across his own beloved country.

MNS is known not to have wavered in his devotion to democracy, righteousness and development. Despite terrible ordeals with many ups & downs, and provocative offensives, he never broke down, yet confronted extremely trying phases of his political career. The steel in him saw him in those situations through & through. That’s why, he is iconic & idolized. Humility & kindness as raison d’etre sees him to be a real human. He surely is an inspiration to all who are deprived & disadvantaged, and to all who are opposed to deprivation & disadvantage.

Justice having prevailed in the end, MNS stands totally vindicated of all judicial misdemeanors and incarcerations, done in connivance with the then Ruling Party, after facing the penalty of life-long political disqualification, mid-2017. He can now be called a noble politician and a man extraordinary. Since then, he is admired for his words of wisdom, spoken at the mega public rally in Lahore before going on self-exile, which reverberate still today: “Respect your Votes”.

As assessed by the major world media, MNS is again the ‘king of comebacks’ just as he had done it before. Pakistan’s three-times ex-PM only returned from self-imposed exile in October last year and is now the clear front-runner to win the 8th Feb elections. Some well-known surveys predict MNS to be the next Premier because he’s played his cards right.

The fact that he has received so much of legal relief since his return home proves “he’s back in good graces.” Even in his absentia he has been one of the country’s leading politicians for past 35 years. Supporters of MNS are sure of his narrative of stability, experience and dependability earning him the win with max ‘votes of the respected’.

Most importantly, as MNS’ Party’s manifesto unfolds with ‘NO false dreams’, it is about “Uniting People”, with the slogan ‘Pakistan Ko Nawaz Dau’, and about putting Pak economy back on track. A Special Body of the Party would ensure effective implementation of the Manifesto.
It vows to combat the impacts of climate change and a zero-tolerance policy towards terrorism.

The Party made exemplary pledge to ensure initiatives for Youth in IT industry and their due representation in national politics through Parliament, and Provincial and Local Governments.

With the return of the Sharifs in power, the CPEC under Chinese BRI will figure as top priority on external front, and get rebooted toward fast economic recovery for Pakistan. As is significant,
MNS promised peace & harmony with all countries, especially India.

Surely, MNS would do well to consider introducing: Economic, Judicial, Electoral Reforms, ‘Charter of Economy & Stability’, new era of financial stabilization with controlled inflation & rapid economic growth, and Legislation for strict execution of policies about Climate Resilience & Action Plan, including its inclusion in the Education Curriculum as a subject.

People would wish MNS to say, “I have fought against political domination, and I have fought against opportunists’ domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and equal society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve.”

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