Dear Editor,

One of the basic principles of freedom in democratic societies is the right for protest which allows people express their issues demand responsibilities and encourage the required social changes. This fundamental right that people’s opinions are heard specially when they want to protest injustices or laws they feel are harmful to their wealth.

Protests have recently increased in Pakistan showing the worth of this democratic right. The protests over rising inflation unemployment and government policies lead to widespread public dissatisfaction. Citizens have taken to the streets to demand better governance economic reforms and improved living conditions. The growing prices of necessities which have had a significant impact on the average person are an important reason of these protests. The protests call for politicians cause attention and highlight a fundamental dissatisfaction with the state of the economy.

Additionally, proof of the active participation of citizens in elections has come from political protests especially those that focused on the opposition’s position on elections and political representation. Whether it’s protests against politicians or economic policies they highlight how important it is to assure that people can freely express opinions and fight for an equitable society.

The right to protest must be protected as it is a important tool for democracy.. Protecting peace and order is important yet so is protecting the rights of individuals to gather in groups and share their opinions. The very basis of democratic freedom is compromised when such acts are crushed.


Rana Rizwan


By Admin

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